I've got thoughts. And mom always said to share.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Alright, let's get personal

When I started this blog it was with the intention of helping out would-be entrepreneurs who want to start a company but don't know where to begin. Though I still intend to write posts on that topic from time to time (stay tuned for advice on how/where to incorporate, etc.), I've also realized that there's a lot I want to say about what I'm going through on a very personal note. Not just "here's what you should do", but "here's what I'm dealing with"...when I wrote my acting blog, I got good feedback on both types of posts (instructional as well as personal), and I'm hoping the same will happen here. So, without further adieu, let's. get. personal. Ready?

THIS IS HARD. Holy WOW this is hard...I've been doing this for three months now (I basically started the first week of February), and it's so frustrating because I don't have a lot to show for my time. I mean, I have a basic site up thanks to friends, and I've got a development team based out of India iterating on the product, but I feel I've spent the majority of the last three months (1) trying to hire / find the perfect technical co-founder (including my search for the development team in India) and (2) trying to convince investors this is the next big thing (which I believe it is!). I was stressing the importance of finding the right partner in an earlier post -- before you jump from wherever you're at -- because it's a long, tough process and I think better handled while you still have a paycheck coming in (note tinge of regret there). You should know that it's extremely frustrating not finding the perfect person/team, especially when the clock is ticking on your time and money. Anyways, that's it for now...I'll write another post about the fundraising game soon.


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