I *hate* Vista
I wrote the following into Microsoft's feedback form this morning. Thought to share (btw, I realize this is becoming more a personal blog than a guide on how to start Web 2.0 companies...and I don't think that's going to change; look out for a re-design soon).
I *hate* Windows Vista. Hate it. I've been a long time Microsoft user (over 10 years) and have usually enjoyed your product innovations. As an Internet professional (Product Manager at Tier I companies), I've had high expectations for your products, and they've usually delivered. But I hate Vista. What specifically prompted me to write this email? Vista re-started my machine last night to install updates. On it's own. I had open programs that I hadn't saved/closed and I lost a TON of work. Plus I can't use an external monitor cause the Control Panel gets confused as to which one is which, programs often crash for no reason, sometimes when I close/open my laptop it resets the screen resolution...and more. This is the last Microsoft product I buy. You've lost a customer for life.
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